Hey y’all and welcome to the last post of 2019. I have mixed feelings about this year as it seemed to pass at a breakneck speed. Like most, it brought many changes and stressors along with many blessings and opportunities to my life. This community tops my list of blessings and I hope you know I am so grateful for your presence!
As I look back over the work I created for the channel in 2019 I can better understand why it felt like everything was moving so fast. In total I produced 17 unique step by step tutorials, 3 or so belly flops and 5 sewing series that included multiple videos, the last of which was the Handmade Holiday Series which featured ten thoughtful gifts and spanned two months.
In 2020, I am going to keep the same schedule for the channel and the blog with the tutorial being uploaded each week on Tuesday and the blog post on Friday. The only change will be the time. Both will be published by 12 p.m.
What will be changing is the format of the tutorials. Beginning January 7th when I return to YouTube our weekly sewing tutorial will be centered upon the creation of a mixed media design book.
Essentially we are going to be recording the details of every project we sew in 2020! The goal is to finish the year with a beautiful book that will inspire future sewing projects and serve as a creative legacy of sorts.
Fast forward a year from now to December 2020 and imagine your design book thick with fabric swatches, sketches and detailed notes surrounding dozens of sewing projects which you have put your personal touch upon.

If you have participated in any of my Master Classes (AMC) then you are familiar with the concept of a design notebook. If you are interested in learning more about my personal design methods and making some new creative friends please consider joining our Sewspire Patreon Group at the Celebrator Level for $10 per month and participating in the next session of AMC which begins January 6, 2020. This four week session will be centered upon a versatile bag pattern that can be customized to suit your style and needs perfectly.
In addition to the quarterly master class, as a Sewspire Patron, you can participate in our Patron exclusive video chats, live sewing lessons and holiday gift exchange. I have posted the Sewspire 2020 Schedule below for your consideration.

My favorite memory of 2019, hands down, was our Marvelously Merry Gift Exchange which took place last Friday. It was so much fun to watch everyone open their gifts and I am still elated with the bounty that was bestowed upon me by Katherine and Suzette. (Thank you, thank you, thank you ladies for making me feel extra special!)
In an effort to pay the kindness forward and further enhance our 2020 Sewspire community experience, I will be giving away one of my short sleeve custom Create. Tee’s every month. Details on how you can enter to win will be announced in the next edition of Behind the Seams to be published January 3, 2020.

Until then, I thank you for reading along and for your continued interest in my designs and tutorials.
Endless love and respect,